Freedom is Good News Part 124

I mentioned in our previous article that, “the grace of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Remember the short definition of grace we used last week?  “Grace is getting something that you do not deserve.”  Do any of us deserve eternal life?  Well, actually – NO, we do not.  Does that come as a surprise to you?  It should not be surprising if you are familiar with the word of God.  Because through the scriptures we are brought into a knowledge of God – who He is and what His will is for us, His children.  We come to see just what it is that God requires of us and just what God will do for us.


I have mentioned many times before that God desires a relationship with us, but that there is no way for us to enter into that relationship while we are dead in our sins.  Yes, it is axiomatic that we needed a Savior, a Redeemer, someone who would be willing to bear the burden of our sins – and that someone is Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.  This redemption from God fits within our short definition of mercy, “mercy is not getting what you deserve.”


Our God is a Holy God, this we know.  But do we truly realize that our Holy God cannot dwell with that which is unclean (unholy)?  We accept the blood of Jesus, we believe He cleanses us from our sin and we obey His holy and righteous commands so as to begin to form a relationship with Him.  And God promises eternal life.  If we will accept it, He gives us a “helper” to guide us in this path of righteousness.  Why do I say, ‘if we will accept it’?  Because many of us do not utilize this gift – this grace – of our Father. 


I know that some of this can be quite deep.  But it really only brushes the surface of the depth of the goodness and love that God has for us, His children. 


At His last Passover (sometimes called the last supper) Jesus says this, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.  And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to abide with you forever – the Holy Spirit of truth” (John 14:15-17).   Some translations of the bible say He will give us a ‘Comforter’ and the Greek word that Jesus uses actually has the meaning of ‘one who come to the aid, comfort or consolation of another’.  God in His goodness and His grace is willing to give to us repentant sinners, a piece of His very self to aid, comfort and console us.


In other words, God is rooting for us all the way.  He wants – yea even desires – that we successfully navigate this world around us, to keep our hearts, our minds and our eyes fixed upon Him. 


He has given us His only begotten Son.  He has given us His written instructions in the bible.  He has given to us the counselor; a part of His very being.  These are things that a hundred generations before us never were privileged to understand.


Yes, He loves us more that we could ever know.  Would you meditate upon these things?  Would you get on your knees today and visit with Him?  Would you thank Him for His GOOD NEWS?